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Part 2 – “The Science Behind Seasonal Eating: Ritucharya Explained”

Vasanta Ritucharya (Spring Season)

Vasanta Ritu lasts from mid-March to mid-May, This season is known for its flowers and the emergence of new leaves.

What to eat

Eat easily-digestible bitter and astringent foods like barley, honey, and spices like coriander, cumin, turmeric, and fennel.  and avoid cold, viscous, heavy, sour, and sweet dishes.

Shishira Ritucharya (Winter Season)

This season lasts from mid-January until mid-March. 

What to eat

One should eat lots of dairy products, root vegetables, apples, grapes, rice, wheat, beans, and sweets in moderation, of course! Foods with dominant pungent, bitter, and astringent flavors should be avoided