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Part 3 – “The Science Behind Seasonal Eating: Ritucharya Explained”

Grishma Ritucharya

It lasts from Mid-May to Mid-July.

What to eat

Eat sweet, light, cold, mineral-rich food like fresh fruit, and veggies like asparagus, cucumber, celery, and leafy greens. Buttermilk, fruit juices, meat soups, mango juice, and stirred curd with pepper. Should be consumed Keep yourself hydrated with lots of water,

Milk with sugar should be had before going to bed. Avoid salt and foods with sharp acrid and warm flavours.

Varsha Ritucharya

Varsha Ritu lasts from mid-July to mid-September.

What to eat

Eat salty, sour, and oily foods

The ideal Varsha diet avoids uncooked foods and favors warm,. Help your digestion out with ginger and lemon, and eat a lot of thin soups. Drinking river water, drinking a lot of water, drinking a lot of fluid, and drinking wine are all unhealthy suggestions.

In short, Ritucharya seasonal eating helps us stay healthy by following the natural changes in the weather. When we eat and live in tune with the seasons, we feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s like connecting with nature and feeling balanced and energized. So, by embracing Ritucharya, we can be healthier and happier, living in harmony with the world around us.